Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What's the Word?

The word is retarded.  I hate typing it.  I wanted say it quick and get it out of the way.  It hurts me. I take it personally and so does every mother, father, sister, brother, and person with any form of mental or physical impairment.   It's a word that cuts so deep but is used so casually.   If you use this ugly word when you are trying to be funny,  it's not funny.  If you use it when trying to prove a point.  Your point is instantaneously invalid.  You don't sound serious or smart.  If you really want to make an impact with your word choice try one of these suitable options:

ridiculous, silly, annoying, out of control, frustrating, foolish, goofy, harebrained, ludicrous, laughable, incredible, unbelievable, comical, unpleasant, troublesome, etc...................................................

Please take a moment and think about how hurtful this word is.  It is offensive and pains the heart of those who have ever been called retarded in a derogatory way.  Choose to respect those who have an impairment by pledging to stop using this word and encourage others to stop using it as well.