Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Permitting Myself To Push Past the Block

The kids are off to school.  The dog is snoring on her pillow next to the heat vent.  My husband sits across the table from me as he works from home  My coffee cup's steam is rising up next to me.  It's quiet and it will be for another 5 1/2 hours. This is the perfect atmosphere for sitting, writing, and releasing.

It's funny how as I sit down to spill out what is bottled up inside of me I suddenly fall speechless!  This has happened so many times in the past 3 years.  I haven't written anything in that long because I can't get past the block.  But ya know what?  I'm pushing past it.  As it turns out, God has given me a desire and love for writing.  Maybe I have felt pressured to write for others?  (I smile when I see that an entry or 2 has had several readers)  The truth is, as I'm sitting here being honest with myself, I have to give myself permission to write.  If I don't permit myself to write then I feel dumb and irrelevant.  If I write for myself then I am not under the pressure of what others will think.  If I write for myself then I can push past the block.  If I write for myself then all of a sudden I have freedom to release the madness or joy without hesitation.  

So, there.  I did it.  The block is destroyed.

Give yourself permission to push past the block too!  Your block can be anything holding you back.  You don't need permission from the world.  You don't need anyone affirm whatever it is that you love to do.  YOU DON'T NEED ANYONE'S PERMISSION TO DO GOD'S WILL WITH YOUR LIFE.  Perhaps you have never thought of it that way before or maybe you just needed to be reminded, again.  Either way...

Let the clicking of keys (or whatever it is for you) begin!  



  1. Love this. Maybe we should meet up and have coffee one day since it seems we are on the same rebeginning writing path! You have a wonderful talent and this was awesome to read!

  2. Thanks!! I would love to get together!! :)
